By Jacob

The center has helped me make new friends, find better ones and end damaging ones. In the center I’ve had fun and gained experience.

By Erin

I have built many friendships throughout many grades that would have otherwise been impossible to make. I have been able to go on trips with these friends that were not available to me before joining the CanTeen, and I have been able to help my community through various events that I didn’t know existed before.

By Rhys

I feel like I have become more open, more willing to make new friends during my time at the CanTeen. The new relationships I do develop are also going more smoothly then those I had formed in the past. As I move onto college, I hope that they have a similar program there, with staff that are just as open, friendly & caring as those at the CanTeen.

By Cici Scar

The CanTeen has always been my go-to second home, ever since I could I would come here, meet good people, eat good food and enjoy my free time in such a nice place. It has been a fantastic hangout spot with my close and current friends. I’ve met some really cool even younger people while I was here. I will forever miss the staff member I have met over the years. I’m happy to be apart of this family for so long! I hope others will find as much, if not more enjoyment out of this place as I have.